Story: Minor outdoor sports

Poster for New Zealand Open beach volleyball

Poster for New Zealand Open beach volleyball

Beach volleyball isn't always played on a beach – as this poster for the 2009 McEntee Hire New Zealand Open (held at an Auckland tennis centre) shows. When competitive games are held on a beach, sand will sometimes be trucked in. Coarse sand at beaches such as Wellington's Oriental Bay (a venue for the annual beach volleyball tour) is covered with a deep layer of finer sand and the court is set up on top. For social play, which is generally more relaxed, any reasonably level beach can provide an enjoyable game.

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Andrew Findlater
Artwork by Andrew Findlater

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Courtesy of Volleyball New Zealand

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How to cite this page:

Megan Cook, 'Minor outdoor sports - Beach volleyball', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 2 June 2024)

Story by Megan Cook, published 5 Sep 2013