Story: City history and people

Zoning cities

Colonial cities were functionally mixed, with industries, shops and dwellings often side by side. Residents could be affected by noxious effluent, smells and noises. Twentieth-century urban reformers called for the functional zoning of cities to solve such problems. Industry would be restricted to certain areas – often the edge of town – and commerce focused in the central city. Everything would be in its proper place. This is the provisional zoning plan for Wanganui in 1959. Other cities produced similar plans.

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Alexander Turnbull Library
Reference: MapColl 832.4199eac/1959/Acc.9797

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How to cite this page:

David Thorns and Ben Schrader, 'City history and people - The shape of cities', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 11 June 2024)

Story by David Thorns and Ben Schrader, published 11 Mar 2010