Story: Plays and playwrights

Workshopping a play script, 1982

Workshopping a play script, 1982

Drama students Jeffrey Thomas and Judy Gibson workshop the script for A street called straight, by Seamus Quinn, at the 1982 New Zealand Playwrights Workshop. Workshopping means reading through a draft script, then discussing how it could be improved for performance. A street called straight was produced two years later by Wellington's Taki Rua theatre. It was written by a recent immigrant from Ireland, and the company debated fiercely over whether this contravened its 'New Zealand-only' policy. However, the production was critically acclaimed.

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Alexander Turnbull Library, Dominion Post Collection (PAColl-7327)
Reference: EP/1982/1619

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How to cite this page:

Murray Edmond, 'Plays and playwrights - Social issues on stage', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 3 June 2024)

Story by Murray Edmond, published 22 Oct 2014