Story: Ngā haki – Māori and flags

Rua Kēnana's flag

Rua Kēnana's flag

The text on this Union Jack says 'Kotahi te ture mo nga iwi e rua, Maungapohatu'. (There is one law for both peoples, Maungapōhatu). The flag belonged to the Tūhoe prophet Rua Kēnana and was taken by the police from his community at Maungapōhatu in the Urewera during a raid in 1916.

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How to cite this page:

Malcolm Mullholland, 'Ngā haki – Māori and flags - Māori religious movements and flags', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 7 June 2024)

Story by Malcolm Mullholland, published 20 Jun 2012