Story: Diseases of sheep, cattle and deer

Cobalt deficiency

Cobalt deficiency

The sheep on the left has a cobalt deficiency; the one on the right is normal. Sheep are more susceptible to cobalt deficiency than cattle, but the effects of severe deficiency are the same – emaciation and eventual death. Cobalt deficiency or bush sickness was first recognised as a problem on the pumice soils of the North Island. However, it can also occur on other soils after a period of farming.

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How to cite this page:

Gary Clark, Neville Grace and Ken Drew, 'Diseases of sheep, cattle and deer - Bush sickness and other mineral deficiency diseases', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 3 June 2024)

Story by Gary Clark, Neville Grace and Ken Drew, published 24 Nov 2008