Story: Diseases of sheep, cattle and deer

Calves with diarrhoea

Calves with diarrhoea

Calves are particularly susceptible to infection if their rearing pens are not kept clean. This is especially so if they have not received adequate colostrum (first milk) from the mother – it contains protective antibodies to fight disease. Diarrhoea or scours is an immediate sign of a problem.

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Craig Potton Publishing
Reference: Paul Martin, Lifestyle farming in New Zealand. Nelson: Craig Potton Publishing, 2006, p. 16
Photograph by Paul Martin

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How to cite this page:

Gary Clark, Neville Grace and Ken Drew, 'Diseases of sheep, cattle and deer - Cattle diarrhoea and related diseases', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 3 June 2024)

Story by Gary Clark, Neville Grace and Ken Drew, published 24 Nov 2008