Story: Canoeing and rafting

White-water kayaks (2nd of 3)

White-water kayaks

One of the most formidable challenges for kayakers is Huka Falls on the Waikato River, around 5 kilometres from Taupō. After rushing through a narrow chasm, the river plunges over a drop of more than 10 metres into a circular basin. Only the most daring pit their skills against its awesome power – and many people think it is too dangerous. It was first conquered by Nick Kerkham and Greg Oke in 1981, pictured after the descent. Their kayaks are typical of the kind used for white-water rafting at the time.

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NZ Recreational Canoeing Association

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How to cite this page:

Nancy Swarbrick, 'Canoeing and rafting - Rafting and kayaking since the 1980s', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 2 June 2024)

Story by Nancy Swarbrick, published 24 Sep 2007, updated 18 Jul 2016