Story: Football

Under-17 FIFA Women's World Cup

A woman in a white New Zealand football uniform kicks the ball during a football game in a stadium, watched by members of her and the opposing team.

Rosie White is about to score her first goal in New Zealand’s match against Colombia at the FIFA Women's Under-17 World Cup, played in Wellington on 4 November 2008. New Zealand won this match 3–1, but lost its other two games. The whole tournament was held in New Zealand; it was the first FIFA Under-17 World Cup for women. North Korea won the final, beating the United States 2–1. White went on to play 110 matches for the Football Ferns, scoring 24 goals.

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by Dave Lintott

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How to cite this page:

Neill Atkinson, Steve Watters and Alida Shanks, 'Football - Women's international football', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 2 June 2024)

Story by Neill Atkinson, Steve Watters and Alida Shanks, published 5 Sep 2013, reviewed & revised 7 Jun 2023 with assistance from Alida Shanks