Story: Intermarriage

Books and movies: Maori girl (2nd of 2)

Books and movies: Maori girl

When writer Noel Hilliard arrived in Wellington in the late 1940s, he was shocked to see advertisements for jobs and accommodation that stated 'No Māori'. Hilliard, a Pākehā, had married Kiriwai Mete of Ngāti Kahu and Ngāpuhi. While teaching in Khandallah, Wellington, he wrote Maori girl, the story of Netta Samuel, who has grown up in a large family on a Taranaki dairy farm but is forced to leave for the city to find work. The book describes the discrimination she faces and her efforts to escape from loneliness in an alien and hostile city. This is the cover of the original 1960 edition.

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Penguin Random House
Reference: Noel Hilliard, Maori girl. London: Heinemann, 1960

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How to cite this page:

Angela Wanhalla, 'Intermarriage - 20th-century intermarriage', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 2 June 2024)

Story by Angela Wanhalla, published 5 May 2011