Story: Tuatara

Loading rat bait

Loading rat bait

The Department of Conservation carried out their second-largest rat eradication programme on Little Barrier Island (Hauturu), in winter 2004. In two aerial drops six weeks apart, three helicopters spread 55 tonnes of rat bait over the 3,083-hectare island in an attempt to wipe out kiore (Pacific rats). Monitoring two years later confirmed that it was successful. The aim is to restore the island’s forest ecosystem, where burrowing seabirds, tuatara, lizards and insects can live free of predation from introduced mammals.

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Department of Conservation
Photograph by Fiona Oliphant

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How to cite this page:

Charles Daugherty and Susan Keall, 'Tuatara - Decline and recovery', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 2 June 2024)

Story by Charles Daugherty and Susan Keall, published 24 Sep 2007