Story: Minor outdoor sports

Croquet, 1901

Croquet, 1901

This 1901 photograph shows a croquet game in progress at a tennis club's grounds. The two games are compatible – a croquet court is 32 by 25.6 metres, twice the size of a tennis court. Croquet has often been played on smaller courts, and garden croquet has been tailored to fit whatever space is available. The long-handled mallets used to hit the balls in this game are made of wood, but later in the 20th century carbon fibre and aluminium were often used. The narrow hoops used in competition are cast iron or steel, while those used for garden croquet are usually wider and made of wire.

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How to cite this page:

Megan Cook, 'Minor outdoor sports - Croquet', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 4 June 2024)

Story by Megan Cook, published 5 Sep 2013