Story: Veterans and masters sport

IGAL road races championship, Palmerston North, 1981

IGAL road races championship, Palmerston North, 1981

Runners take part in the 10-kilometre road race in the 14th IGAL championships in Palmerston North in January 1981. IGAL (Interessen-Gemeinschaft Älterer Langstreckenläufer, or association of older long-distance runners) is an international veterans' sports body formed in 1968. The Palmerston North harriers' club organised the 1981 IGAL road-race championships on a shoestring budget with volunteer workers. The championships, held over a hot and sunny holiday weekend at the beginning of January, were a great success.

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New Zealand Masters Athletics
Reference: Merle Grayburn, and Arthur Grayburn (eds), A history of New Zealand veteran athletics, 1962–-1999. Christchurch: New Zealand Association of Veteran Athletics, 1999, p. 41.

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How to cite this page:

Roger Robinson, 'Veterans and masters sport - World championships and masters games', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 13 June 2024)

Story by Roger Robinson, published 5 Sep 2013