Story: Youth organisations

Baden-Powell writes to Cossgrove, July 1908 (1st of 3)

Baden-Powell writes to Cossgrove, July 1908

This letter from Robert Baden-Powell (the founder of Scouts) to David Cossgrove encourages him to establish the Scouting movement in New Zealand. Cossgrove had met Baden-Powell while serving in the South African War. If the letter seems somewhat vague, it is probably because Baden-Powell himself did not know exactly how Scouts should be organised. He had only published the first issue of Scouting for Boys –  a fortnightly magazine – in January 1908. This outlined his thoughts on a youth movement for boys, based on Christian principles and centred on outdoor activities, called Scouts. Its instant success and rapid international growth saw Baden-Powell quickly occupied with the organisation and administration of what became the world's largest youth movement.

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The Scout Association of New Zealand

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How to cite this page:

Helen Dollery, 'Youth organisations - Scouts and Guides', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 2 June 2024)

Story by Helen Dollery, published 5 May 2011, reviewed & revised 31 Jan 2019