Story: Te Āti Awa of Taranaki

Women collecting seafood

Women collecting seafood

Fiona Clark’s photographs of Te Āti Awa kuia (women elders) collecting seafood in the early 1980s highlight some of the difficulties that the tribe faces in the modern world. The women were collecting food in the traditional manner, not far from a proposed outfall from the Motunui synthetic petrol plant. The Waitangi Tribunal, however, in a landmark decision, ruled that the Crown had to protect traditional Māori fishing grounds. Eventually an existing outfall was used instead.

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Private collection
Photograph by Fiona Clark

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How to cite this page:

Peter Adds, 'Te Āti Awa of Taranaki - Land issues', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 2 June 2024)

Story by Peter Adds, published 8 Feb 2005, updated 1 Mar 2017