Story: Seifert, Alfred

With their children

With their children

Alfred and Esther Seifert are shown with their children Herbert (aged six) and Eileen (four) in Palmerston North in 1908. The year before, Alfred and his brother Louis had purchased 4,200 acres of flax swamp and built ‘Miranui’, the largest flax mill in New Zealand, near Shannon.

Using this item

Private collection, Jane Pollard
Reference: Jane Pollard, A mingled yarn: the Seifert family and flaxmilling in New Zealand. Bowral: J. Pollard, 2004, p.52

How to cite this page:

Judy Malone. 'Seifert, Alfred', Dictionary of New Zealand Biography, first published in 1996, updated November, 2010. Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 1 June 2024)