Story: United States and New Zealand

Flight to Antarctica

Flight to Antarctica

Members of the National Science Foundation take their seats on a Globemaster plane at Christchurch airport in August 2007. They were en route to McMurdo Station in Antarctica as part of the Operation Deep Freeze programme. Deep Freeze, which is based at Christchurch, is an example of the close scientific and cultural cooperation between the United States and New Zealand from the 1950s.

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United States Air Force
Reference: 070820-F-2034C-035
Photograph by Shane A. Cuomo

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How to cite this page:

Robert Ayson and Jock Phillips, 'United States and New Zealand - Allies, 1939–1984', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 2 June 2024)

Story by Robert Ayson and Jock Phillips, published 20 Jun 2012