Story: Scandinavians

Norwegian whaler, Ross Sea, Antarctica

Norwegian whaler, Ross Sea, Antarctica

A flenser, whose job it was to cut up whales, poses for the photographer. In the background is one of the ‘whale-chasers’ – ships that hunted down the whales. Over eight summers in the 1920s and 1930s a Norwegian factory ship would haul into Stewart Island’s waters after spending months in the Ross Sea. An entourage of whale-chasers known as star boats accompanied her.

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Southland Museum and Art Gallery

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How to cite this page:

Carl Walrond, 'Scandinavians - 20th-century migration', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 10 June 2024)

Story by Carl Walrond, published 8 Feb 2005, updated 1 Mar 2015