Story: Pets

Andreas Reischek and a dog

Andreas Reischek and a dog

Austrian collector and taxidermist Andreas Reischek poses for a formal portrait with one of his dogs. The most famous of these was Caesar. The pair made trips into wild areas of New Zealand in pursuit of birds for Reischek’s collection. Like many men alone in unknown territory, Reischek depended on his dog, and credited Caesar with saving his life on several occasions.

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Alexander Turnbull Library, H. F. von Haast Collection (PAColl-5381)
Reference: 1/2-005238; F
Photograph by Atelier Adele, Vienna

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How to cite this page:

Nancy Swarbrick, 'Pets - History of pets in New Zealand', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 3 June 2024)

Story by Nancy Swarbrick, published 24 Nov 2008