Story: Charting the sea floor

Bathymetric chart, 1960

Bathymetric chart, 1960

This portion of a New Zealand Oceanographic Institute chart is derived from the work of oceanographers Jim Brodie and Henry Pantin. The bathymetry was determined by New Zealand Oceanographic Institute soundings and from admiralty records. Before the days of multibeam echo sounders, charts gave only a vague impression of the shape of the sea floor.

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Source: J. W. Brodie and H. Pantin, New Zealand, North Island, bathymetry. Wellington: New Zealand Oceanographic Institute, 1960.

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How to cite this page:

Lionel Carter, 'Charting the sea floor - Evolution of modern charting', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 3 June 2024)

Story by Lionel Carter, published 12 Jun 2006