Story: Ngāi Tahu

Māpoutahi pā

Māpoutahi pā

Through the 18th century, Ngāi Tahu advanced down the South Island through a combination of warfare, intermarriage and peaceable occupation. The lines of the older South Island tribes, Waitaha and Ngāti Māmoe, became merged with those of Ngāi Tahu. One of the places where Ngāi Tahu fought against Ngāti Māmoe was Māpoutahi , on a peninsula south of Blueskin Bay, off the Otago coast.

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Department of Conservation
Photograph by Kevin Jones

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How to cite this page:

Te Maire Tau, 'Ngāi Tahu - Spreading south and west', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 2 June 2024)

Story by Te Maire Tau, published 8 Feb 2005, updated 1 Mar 2017