Story: Death and dying

Hospices: St Joseph's, 1900 (1st of 2)

Hospices: St Joseph's, 1900

St Joseph's Home for Incurables was set up in Wellington in 1900 by Mother Mary Joseph Aubert, the founder of the religious order of the Daughters of Our Lady of Compassion. These are some of the earliest women patients. The home in Buckle Street, Te Aro, provided care for those who were suffering from chronic debilitating conditions. Patients were accepted regardless of religious denomination, and care was free. Preference was given to the poorest people with the greatest need for care. The first patients were five women and six men, but most were elderly men who had never married. Space was initially very limited, but the home expanded to include two adjoining cottages, purchased later in 1900 using a bequest to the sisters.

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Sisters of Compassion
Reference: Audacity of faith: centennial of the Sisters of Compassion, 1892-1992. Wellington: Home of Compassion, 1992.

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How to cite this page:

Ruth McManus and Rosemary Du Plessis, 'Death and dying - Dying and bereavement', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 3 June 2024)

Story by Ruth McManus and Rosemary Du Plessis, published 5 May 2011, reviewed & revised 16 May 2018, updated 1 Nov 2023