Story: Class

Voting patterns in two Christchurch electorates, 1951

Voting patterns in two Christchurch electorates, 1951

In Christchurch there was a relatively strong contrast in the class character of different parts of the city. Fendalton was heavily dominated by professional and business people; Sydenham was a working-class area. This was reflected in the voting patterns in the city. The National candidate, Sidney Holland, who was also the prime minister, gained over two-thirds of the vote in the Fendalton electorate, while the Labour candidate, Mabel Howard, received an even higher proportion of the vote in neighbouring Sydenham.

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Source: Alan McRobie, New Zealand electoral atlas. Wellington: GP Books, 1989, p. 97; Clifford Norton, New Zealand parliamentary election results, 19461987. Wellington: Department of Political Science, Victoria University of Wellington, 1988, pp. 224–350

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How to cite this page:

Jock Phillips, 'Class - A middle-class society? – class consciousness, 1890 to 1970', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 1 June 2024)

Story by Jock Phillips, published 5 May 2011, reviewed & revised 22 May 2018