Kōrero: Walsh, Austin Leonard and Walsh, Vivian Claude

Manurewa and Manurewa No. 1

A modern colour graphic showing side views of the two aeroplanes and a top view of Manurewa number one

Leo and Vivian Walsh and their collaborators built two aeroplanes in their first venture into aviation. They constructed Manurewa, from an imported Howard Wright kitset, and the second, Manurewa No. 1, from local materials with the engine and other mechanical components retrieved from the first.

Te whakamahi i tēnei tūemi

Contour Creative Studio
by Rosie Louise and Terry Moyle

Permission of Contour Creative Studio must be obtained before any re-use of this image.

Me pēnei te tohu i te whārangi:

Terry Moyle. 'Walsh, Austin Leonard and Walsh, Vivian Claude', Dictionary of New Zealand Biography, first published in 2021, updated o Mei, 2022. Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, https://teara.govt.nz/mi/biographies/6w12/walsh-austin-leonard (accessed 3 June 2024)