Story: Sewage, water and waste

Outhouse, Auckland

Outhouse, Auckland

This 1961 photograph of an outhouse in an Auckland backyard could have been taken decades earlier. Until the early 1900s outhouses were usually separate from the main house. This one was built against the back of the house. By the 1960s it probably had a toilet installed with a connection to the sewer. In the 1800s, before town sewerage systems were built, outhouses were common in backyards. When the cesspit beneath filled the outhouse was moved to another spot.

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Reference: 580-5567

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How to cite this page:

Christine Dann, 'Sewage, water and waste - Stinking cities', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 2 June 2024)

Story by Christine Dann, published 11 Mar 2010