Story: Economy and the environment

Loading coal

Loading coal

A bucket excavator loads coal onto a truck at a West Coast mine in 1948. At this time coal was used to power steam trains. By the late 1940s state-owned mines were producing over half of New Zealand’s coal. In 1948 coal deposits were nationalised, although this was quickly reversed by the National government two years later.

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Alexander Turnbull Library, National Publicity Studios Collection
Reference: 1/2-034006; F (AAQT 6401, A6307)
Photograph by Edward Percival Christensen

Permission of the Alexander Turnbull Library, National Library of New Zealand, Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa, must be obtained before any re-use of this image.

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How to cite this page:

Eric Pawson, 'Economy and the environment - Erosion, power generation and mining', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 2 June 2024)

Story by Eric Pawson, published 11 Mar 2010