Story: Tsunamis

Tsunami damaged cottage, 2016

Tsunami damaged cottage, 2016

The only major damage caused by the Kaikōura tsunami was to the Little Pigeon Bay cottage on Banks Peninsula. Although the tsunami caused by the Kaikōura earthquake of 14 November 2016 was barely a metre high near Christchurch, the effect of water being pushed into a narrow bay produced a 3-metre high tsunami at Little Pigeon Bay. Its force wrenched the historic cottage off its foundations and damaged external walls and a deck.

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GNS Science
Reference: William Power, Natural Hazards Research Platform

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How to cite this page:

Eileen McSaveney, 'Tsunamis - 20th-century and recent tsunamis', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 11 June 2024)

Story by Eileen McSaveney, published 12 Jun 2006, reviewed & revised 17 Feb 2017