Story: First World War

Helen Clark at Gallipoli (3rd of 3)

Helen Clark at Gallipoli

Helen Clark was the first New Zealand prime minister to visit Gallipoli on Anzac Day. On 24 April 2005 (the day before Anzac Day) she walked down the ‘New Zealand track’ from Chunuk Bair to the coast, before visiting Hill 60 Cemetery. On the New Zealand Memorial to the Missing in the cemetery, she placed a poppy beside the name of her great-uncle, Frank Clark, a trooper in the Auckland Mounted Rifles who was killed on 28 August 1915.

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Photograph by Ian McGibbon

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How to cite this page:

Ian McGibbon, 'First World War - Impact of the war', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 3 June 2024)

Story by Ian McGibbon, published 20 Jun 2012