Story: First peoples in Māori tradition

Moehau mountain, Coromandel (1st of 3)

Moehau mountain, Coromandel

Several parts of the North Island were renowned haunts of the fairy people, patupaiarehe – also known as tūrehu, karitehe or kōrakorako. One favoured lair was Moehau, a hilltop where they were reputed to inhabit a large fortified in the swirling mists.

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GNS Science
Reference: 17584-17
Photograph by Lloyd Homer

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How to cite this page:

Te Ahukaramū Charles Royal, 'First peoples in Māori tradition - Patupaiarehe, tūrehu and other inhabitants', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 1 June 2024)

Story by Te Ahukaramū Charles Royal, published 8 Feb 2005