Story: Nation and government

The South Island provinces, 1867 (2nd of 2)

The South Island provinces, 1867

In the South Island, the three provinces were Nelson, Canterbury and Otago. By the end of the 1860s Southland had split away from Otago, and Marlborough from Nelson. In 1870 Southland gave up its attempt to go it alone and rejoined Otago. Westland was a county from 1868 and became a full province only in 1873.

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Alexander Turnbull Library
Reference: MapColl-830cba/1867/Acc.6568
Map by W. & A. K. Johnston

Permission of the Alexander Turnbull Library, National Library of New Zealand, Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa, must be obtained before any re-use of this image.

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How to cite this page:

John Wilson, 'Nation and government - From colony to nation', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 3 June 2024)

Story by John Wilson, updated 1 Sep 2016