Story: Nelson region

Images of Nelson

We invited Flickr photographers to contribute their images of Nelson, and we selected the best of those to depict the region in our online exhibition. The captions are the contributors’ own.

Thanks to all the photographers who contributed:

Caren Wilton, Wellington

Mike Hollman, Auckland

Geof Wilson, Christchurch

Barry Doig, Nelson

Douglas Remington, Ethereal Light Photography

Andrew Smith, Cuba Gallery, Auckland

Ben Nakagawa, Nelson

Neil Protheroe, Oxford, England

Adam Foster, Manchester, England

Phil Rickerby, Upper Hutt

Mike Cox, Coventry, England

Mathieu Pouliot, Montreal, Canada

Joe Wright, United Kingdom

Rob Langdon, Stourbridge, England.

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All images & media in this story

How to cite this page:

Carl Walrond, 'Nelson region - Overview', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, (accessed 12 June 2024)

Story by Carl Walrond, updated 1 Aug 2015